Friday, March 30, 2018

Order of Service and Sermon for 30 March 2018, Good Friday Service


A Service of Tenebrae, or "Shadows," is based on a twelfth–century late night/early morning service and is an extended meditation on the passion of Christ. The readings are taken from the Gospel of John 18:1–19:42.

GREETING & Explanations
P: God is light, in whom there is no darkness at all.
C: Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
P: And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world,
C: and we loved darkness rather than light.

Hymn: LW #241

PRAYER for Good Friday:

P: SURELY He has borne our grief and carried our sorrows He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities. All we like sheep have gone astray and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
C. Hear my prayer, O LORD:
P: ALMIGHTY God, we beseech you graciously to behold this your family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed, and given up into the hands of wicked men, and to suffer death on the Cross; through the same Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, ever One God, world without end. Amen.
Fourteen candles, along with a central Christ candle, are lighted at this point or before the service begins; then one is extinguished at the conclusion of each section.
The First Reading

The first candle is extinguished.

The Second Reading
The second candle is extinguished.
The Third Reading
The third candle is extinguished.

The Fourth Reading
The fourth candle is extinguished.

The Fifth Reading
The fifth candle is extinguished.

The Sixth Reading
The sixth candle is extinguished.

Hymn: LW: #113
The Seventh Reading
The seventh candle is extinguished.

The Sermonette

The Eighth Reading
The eighth candle is extinguished.

The Ninth Reading
The ninth candle is extinguished.

The Tenth Reading
The tenth candle is extinguished.

The Eleventh Reading
The eleventh candle is extinguished.

The Twelfth Reading
The twelfth candle is extinguished.

The Offering - Hymn: LW # 110

The Thirteenth Reading
The thirteenth candle is extinguished.

The Fourteenth Reading
The fourteenth candle is extinguished.

The Fifteenth Reading
The Christ candle is taken away. The last section is read in darkness.

The Sixteenth Reading


Silence.  The room remains darkened with only illumination necessary for safety. The room now remains barren until Easter.

After the Choir leaves, all depart in silence.

Sermon was based on John 18:28 &29.

Sermon for 29 March 22018--Maundy Thursday Lenten Service

In Bread and Wine

Opening Hymn: # 236

Opening Verses ………………………..…
(Tune: Abide With Me)
(Psalm 51:1-9; Isaiah 61:1; Ephesians 2:13)

Unto the Lord with broken hearts return.
Turn from your sins, and true repentance learn.
Grace and compassion flow from heav’n above,
For God is slow to anger, filled with love.

P: Happy are those who sins are forgiven, who’s wrongs are pardoned.
C: Happy are those whom the Lord does not accused of doing wrong and you are free from all the deceit.
P: When I did not confess my sins, I was worn out from crying all day long.
C: Do you know you punished me, Lord, my strength was completely drained, as moisture is dried up by the summer heat.
P: Then I confessed my sins to you; I cannot conceal my wrongdoings.
C: I decided to confess them to you, and you for gave all my sins.

Create in me a heart made clean from sin.
A steadfast spirit, Lord, renew within.
Your Holy Spirit ne’er remove from me,
But in your saving joy, Lord, Make me free.

P: In bread and wine,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: The Spirit of the Lord God is sent to bring good news to the oppressed and to bind up the broken-hearted.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: In Jesus Christ all who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. In him we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in him.

Let all who languish hear the healing word:
God has drawn near us; our request is heard.
Christ Jesus died, God’s promise to renew:
Where hearts are broken,
There God’s Love breaks through.

Prayer of the Day

The Old Testament Lesson………………………...Exodus 12:1-13

The Gospel Lesson ……………..……………….Matthew 26:20-30

Hymn: # 237


Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains,
Poured for me his life-blood, From his sacred veins.

Grace and life eternal, In that blood I find.
Blest be his compassion, Infinitely kind.

Glory be to Jesus, whose dear blood was shed
That from death God’s people Shall to life be led.

By his cross and passion We with God have peace,
For his blood has purchased From our sins release.

Glory be to Jesus Who, our cups to fill,
Came to be our servant, Faithful to God’s will.

Thus our faith is anchored In God’s promise true:
For where hearts are broken, There God’s love breaks through.

The Offering

The Prayers/ The Lord’s Prayer
Words of Institution

Communion Hymn: #240


A Parting Blessing

P: In bread and wine,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
C: Amen.

Closing Hymn: #247

The sermon was based on the Gospel Lesson.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Sermon for 25 March 2018

The readings for this morning were:

Old Testament Lesson: Zechariah 9:9–12
Epistle Lesson: Philippians 2:5–11
Gospel Lesson: Mark 11:1-11

Sermon was based on the Gospel Lesson.

Sermon & Order of Service for 21 March 2018--Lenten Service

When Christian Love and Care Break Forth

Opening Hymn: #408

Opening Verses ……………………..…(Tune: Glory Be to Jesus)
(Isaiah 53:1-3; Isaiah 61:1; Ephesians 2:13)

Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains,
Poured for me his life-blood, From his sacred veins.

Grace and life eternal, In that blood I find,
Blest be his compassion, infinitely kind!

P: Who would have believed what we now report? You could have seen the Lord‘s hand in this?
C: It was the will of the Lord that his servants grow like the plant taking root in dry ground.
P: He had no dignity or beauty to make us take notice of him. There was nothing attractive about him, nothing that would draw us to him.
C: We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering and pain.
P: No one would even look at him we ignored him - we ignored him as if he were nothing

Glory be to Jesus, whose dear blood was shed
That from death God’s people, Might to life be led.

By his cross and passion We with God have peace,
For his blood has purchased From our sins release.

P: When Christian love and care break forth,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: The Spirit of the Lord God is sent to bring good news to the oppressed and to bind up the broken-hearted.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: In Jesus Christ all who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. In him we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in him.

Glory be to Jesus Who, our cups to fill,
Came to be our servant, Faithful to God’s will.

Thus our faith is anchored In God’s promise true:
For our broken spirits, There God’s love breaks through.

Prayer of the Day

The First Testament Lesson…………………..…..Romans 12:1-13

The Gospel Lesson ……………………...…………….Mark 14:1-9

Hymn: # 404


(Tune: Abide with Me)

Unto the Lord with broken spirits turn.
Turn from all greed and true repentance learn.
Grace and compassion flow from heav’n above,
For God is slow to anger, filled with love.

Create in me a heart made clean from sin.
A steadfast spirit, Lord, renew within.
Your Holy Spirit ne’er remove from me,
But in your saving joy, Lord, Make me free.

Let all who languish hear the faithful word:
God has drawn near us; our request is heard.
Christ Jesus died, God’s promise to renew:
For broken spirits,
There God’s Love breaks through.

The Offering

The Prayers/ The Lord’s Prayer

A Parting Blessing

P: When Christian care and love break forth,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
C: Amen.

Closing Hymn: #402

Sermon was based on the Gospel Lesson.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Sermon for 18 March 2018

5th Sunday in Lent


Pre-Worship Music: “Build Your House” & “You Shine”
Opening Hymn: LW#101 “In the Cross of Christ I Glory”
Confession & Absolution
Song of Praise: “Revelation Song”
Children’s Talk
Scripture Readings
Old Testament Lesson – Jeremiah 31:31-34
Epistle Lesson – Hebrews 5:1-10
Gospel Lesson – Mark 10:32-43
Sermon Hymn: LW#379 “Come, Follow Me” Said Christ, the Lord”
Nicene Creed
Offering Hymn: LW#458 “Oh, Worship the King “
Prayers of the Church/The Lord’s Prayer
The Words of Institution
The Sharing of the Peace
Communion Distribution
LW#249 “Your Table I Approach”
LW#231 “Lord Jesus, Think on Me”
LW#236 “Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior”
LW#243 “Here, O My Lord, I See You Face to Face”
Closing Song: “Thine the Amen”

Sermon was based on the Epistle Lesson.

Sermon for 11 March 2018

4th Sunday of Lent
Order of Worship

Pre-Worship: “Your Grace is Enough” & “Filled with Your Glory”
Opening Hymn: LW#201 “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now”
Confession and Absolution
Song of Praise: “Hallelujah be Your Name”
Children’s Talk
Scripture Readings:
Old Testament Lesson – Numbers 21:4-9
Epistle Lesson – Ephesians 2:1-10
Gospel Lesson – John 3:14-21
Sermon Hymn: LW#312 “Jesus Shall Reign”
Apostle’s Creed
Offering Hymn: LW#405 “We Give You But Your Own”
Prayers of the Church/The Lord’s Prayer
Closing Hymn: LW#217 “On What Has Now Been Sown”

Sermon was based on the Gospel Lesson.

Order of Worship for 14 March 2018, Lenten Service

When Pride is Shattered

Opening Hymn: #95

Opening Verses ………………………..…(Tune: Abide With Me)
(Psalm 51:1-9; Isaiah 61:1; Ephesians 2:13)

Unto the Lord with broken hearts return.
Turn from your sins, and true repentance learn.
Grace and compassion flow from heav’n above,
For God is slow to anger, filled with love.

P: Happy are those who sins are forgiven, who’s wrongs are pardoned.
C: Happy are those whom the Lord does not accused of doing wrong and you are free from all the deceit.
P: When I did not confess my sins, I was worn out from crying all day long.
C: Do you know you punished me, Lord, my strength was completely drained, as moisture is dried up by the summer heat.
P: Then I confessed my sins to you; I cannot conceal my wrongdoings.
C: I decided to confess them to you, and you for gave all my sins.

Create in me a heart made clean from sin.
A steadfast spirit, Lord, renew within.
Your Holy Spirit ne’er remove from me,
But in your saving joy, Lord, Make me free.

P: When pride is shattered
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: The Spirit of the Lord God is sent to bring good news to the oppressed and to bind up the broken-hearted.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: In Jesus Christ all who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. In him we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in him.

Let all who languish hear the healing word:
God has drawn near us; our request is heard.
Christ Jesus died, God’s promise to renew:
Where hearts are broken,
There God’s Love breaks through.

Prayer of the Day

The Old Testament Lesson……………………...2 Timothy 2:8-13

The Gospel Lesson ………………………….Luke 22:31-34; 54-64

Hymn: # 285


Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains,
Poured for me his life-blood, From his scared veins.

Grace and life eternal, In that blood I find.
Blest be his compassion, Infinitely kind.

Glory be to Jesus, whose dear blood was shed
That from death God’s people Shall to life be led.

By his cross and passion We with God have peace,
For his blood has purchased From our sins release.

Glory be to Jesus Who, our cups to fill,
Came to be our servant, Faithful to God’s will.

Thus our faith is anchored In God’s promise true:
For where hearts are broken, There God’s love breaks through.

The Offering

The Prayers/ The Lord’s Prayer

A Parting Blessing

P: When pride is shattered,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
C: Amen.

Closing Hymn: #485

There is no recording of the sermon.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Sermon for 7 March 2018--Lenten Service

God’s Love Breaks Through
When Human Strength Cannot Avail

Opening Hymn: #98

Opening Verses ……………………..…
(Tune: Glory Be to Jesus)
(Isaiah 53:4-6; Isaiah 61:1; Ephesians 2:13)

Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains,
Poured for me his life-blood, From his sacred veins.

Grace and life eternal, In that blood I find,
Blest be his compassion, infinitely kind!

P: He endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain we should have borne
C: All the while we thought that his suffering was punishment sent by God.
P: but because of our sins he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did.
C: We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.
P: All of us where like sheep that were lost,
C: Each one of us going our own way.
P: But the Lord made the punishment fall on him,
C: The punishment all of us deserved.

Glory be to Jesus, whose dear blood was shed
That from death God’s people, Might to life be led.

By his cross and passion We with God have peace,
For his blood has purchased From our sins release.

P: When human strength cannot avail,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: The Spirit of the Lord God is sent to bring good news to the oppressed and to bind up the broken-hearted.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: In Jesus Christ all who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. In him we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in him.

Glory be to Jesus Who, our cups to fill,
Came to be our servant, Faithful to God’s will.

Thus our faith is anchored In God’s promise true:
For our broken spirits, There God’s love breaks through.

Prayer of the Day

The First Testament Lesson…………………..…..Romans 12:14-21

The Gospel Lesson ……………………...…………….Luke 22:35-53

Hymn: # 139


(Tune: Abide with Me)
Unto the Lord with broken hearts return.
Trust not your goodness, true repentance learn.
Grace and compassion flow from heav’n above,
For God is slow to anger, filled with love.

Create in me a heart made clean from sin.
A steadfast spirit, Lord, renew within.
Your Holy Spirit ne’er remove from me,
But in your saving joy, Lord, Make me free.

Let all who languish hear the healing word:
God has drawn near us; our request is heard.
Christ Jesus died, God’s promise to renew:
Where lives are broken,
There God’s Love breaks through.

The Offering

The Prayers/ The Lord’s Prayer

A Parting Blessing:

P: When human strength is gone,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
C: Amen.

Closing Hymn: #488

The sermon was based on the Gospel Lesson.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sermon for 4 March 2018

3rd Sunday in Lent


Pre-Worship Music: “Oh Lord My Shepherd Be” & “Lord I Need You”
Opening Hymn: LW#202 “Dearest Jesus, at Your Word”
Confession & Absolution
Song of Praise: “Lord Reign in Me”
Children’s Talk
Scripture Readings
Old Testament Lesson – Exodus 20:1-17
Epistle Lesson – 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Gospel Lesson – John 2:13-25
Sermon Hymn: LW#182 “Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love”
Nicene Creed
Special Music Selection
Prayers of the Church/The Lord’s Prayer
The Words of Institution
The Sharing of the Peace
Communion Distribution
“Jesus Messiah”
LW#99 “Not All the Blood of Beasts”
LW#246 “Lord Jesus Christ, You Have Prepared”
LW#238 “O Lord, We Praise You”
LW#267 “For Me to Live Is Jesus”

Sermon was based on the Epistle Lesson.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Sermon for 28 February 2018--Lenten Service

God’s Love Breaks Through: When Hearts are Broken

Opening Hymn: #94

Opening Verses ………………………..…(Tune: Abide With Me)
(Psalm 51:1-9; Isaiah 61:1; Ephesians 2:13)

Unto the Lord with broken pride return.
Trust not your judgements; true repentance learn.
Grace and compassion flow from heav’n above,
For God is slow to anger, filled with love.

P: From the depths of my despair I call to you, Lord.
C: hear my cry O Lord listen to my call for help.
P: If you kept a record of sins who could escape being condemned?
C: but you forgive us so that we should stand in awe of you
P: I wait eagerly for the Lords help and in his Word I trust
C: I wait for the Lord more eagerly then watchmen wait for the dawn, then watchmen wait for the dawn.

Create in me a heart made clean from sin.
A steadfast spirit, Lord, renew within.
Your Holy Spirit ne’er remove from me,
But in your saving joy, Lord, Make me free.

P: When other answers fall and fail,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: The Spirit of the Lord God is sent to bring good news to the oppressed and to bind up the broken-hearted.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: In Jesus Christ all who were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. In him we have access to God in boldness and confidence through faith in him.

Let all who languish hear the gracious word:
God has drawn near us; our request is heard.
Christ Jesus died, God’s promise to renew:
Where pride is broken,
There God’s Love breaks through.

Prayer of the Day

Response…………………………………..(Tune: Glory be to Jesus)

Glory be to Jesus, who in bitter pains,
Poured for me his life-blood, From his scared veins.

Grace and life eternal, In that blood I find.
Blest be his compassion, Infinitely kind.

The Epistle Lesson………………………………….………...Romans 5:6-11

Glory be to Jesus, whose dear blood was shed
That from death God’s people Shall to life be led.

By his cross and passion We with God have peace,
For his blood has purchased From our sins release.

The Gospel Lesson ……………………………….Matthew 27:11-26

Glory be to Jesus Who, our cups to fill,
Came to be our servant, Faithful to God’s will.

Thus our faith is anchored In God’s promise true:
For where hearts are broken, There God’s love breaks through.

Hymn: # 97


Creedal Hymn…………………..(Tune: Go to Dark Gethsemane)

Through chaotic darkness broke Thine own voice and light awoke
Summoned by thy Word alone, Earth thy footstool, heav’n thy throne,
Still resounds with echoes strong Of their great Creator’s song.

When the time had fully come, Broke into the world thy Son,
Born of Mary, born to end Death’s dark reign, our hearts to mend
Sent into our world to die, Now he lives and reigns on high.

Still thy Holy Spirit binds Broken hearts and souls and minds,
Binds thy Church throughout all time, Binds thy saints in light sublime,
Till, with life renewed, shall we All thy heav’nly glories see.

The Offering

The Prayers/ The Lord’s Prayer

A Parting Blessing

P: When other answers fall and fail,
C: God’s love breaks through!
P: As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, abounding in thanksgiving.
C: In Jesus Christ, God’s love breaks through!
P: And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord.
C: Amen.

Closing Hymn: #484


Sermon was based on Matthew 27:11-26