Sunday, December 30, 2012

Simeon's Delight

Here is the sermon, written by Pastor Tom, which Don read on December 30, 2012. The text is Luke 2:25-33.

If you wish to download this document to your own computer, you can do so here.

simeon'sdelight by

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Six Minutes of Quiet

Here is Pastor Tom's sermon for today, the second Sunday in Advent.

Old Testament Reading:
Malachi 3:1-7b
Epistle Reading:
Philippians 1:2-11
Gospel Reading:
Luke 3:1-14

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Seven Antiphons

Here is Pastor Tom's sermon from this morning, December 2, the first Sunday in Advent.

Old Testament Reading:
Jeremiah 33:14-16
Epistle Lesson:
1 Thessalonians 3:9-13
Gospel Reading:
Luke 19:23-40

Here is the bulletin insert to which Pastor Tom refers in his sermon. O Antiphons (2)